Dog and Cat Champion

  • Donate $10,000+ to get this title.
  • Campaign Recognition Wall (Champion Level)
  • Special honor at Campaign events
  • Listing on Campaign material
  • Name listed as Champion on website for 2 full years

Dog and Cat Guardians

  • Donate $5,000 – $9,999 to get this title.
  • Campaign Recognition Wall (Guardian Level)
  • Special honor at Campaign event
  • Name listed as Guardian on website for 2 full years

Dog and Cat Protectors

  • Donate $2,500 – $4,999 to get this title.
  • Campaign Recognition Wall (Protector Level)
  • Name listed as Protector on website for 2 full years

Dog and Cat Rescuers

  • Donate $1,000 – $2,499 to get this title
  • Campaign Recognition Wall (Rescuer Level)
  • Name listed as Rescuer on website for 2 full years

Dog and Cat Benefactors

  • Donate $500 – $999 to get this title
  • Name listed as an Advocate on website for 2 full years

Dog and Cat Buddy

  • Donate $249 to get this title
  • Name listed as an Advocate on website for 2 full years

Donate using button above or mail a check directly to:

City Dogs & City Kitties Rescue
1812 1/2 11th St NW
Washington, DC 20001

​Please note “capital campaign” in the note section.

You can also donate using form below

Please enter an amount between $1-$100,000.