City Dogs and City Kitties Volunteering Activities

Volunteer with City Dogs Rescue & City Kitties!
Fostering with City Dogs Rescue & City Kitties!
Get involved with City Dogs Rescue & City Kitties!

Volunteering at City Dogs & City Kitties Rescue is rewarding!

Join the team!
As an almost completely volunteer-powered rescue,  our volunteers are essential in saving the lives of cats and dogs.


  • Virtual Adoption Dog Event Assistant

  • Animal Transporter DC to Laurel, MD

  • Cat Foster Assistant

  • Foster (specify cats or dogs)

  • Case Manager


City Dogs & City Kitties Kids

Kids and pets go together, which is why we love when kids ask how they can help City Dogs & City Kitties Rescue! 

Do you have a child who loves dogs and cats and wants to help CDCK?

While we are not a shelter and do not have any adoptable cats or dogs at our administrative office there are still creative ways for kids to get involved! Below are just a few ideas that you and your child can do together to help rescue dogs and cats.

  • Host your own fundraiser! CDCK kid Ethan wanted to rescue dogs for his birthday, so he made t-shirts and raised over $15,000 for CDCK! Email if you’re interested.
  • Host a bake sale at an adoption event with your parents! Visit the calendar to find out about what’s coming up.  Contact note: children under 16 cannot handle dogs at events.)
  • Make a video for a dog or cat in need of adoption! See the video the Georgetown Day School students made for now-adopted Holly below. Contact for more information about helping out. 
  • Host a dog wash, car wash or bake sale!Email for more info.
  • Write a blog post (about 250 words) about an adoptable dog or cat – or better yet, your very own foster dog or cat! – for us to post on our website! Contact:
  • Teach your friends about Dog Safety! Watch the video below and learn more here.
  • Teach kids appropriate ways to approach dogs to help prevent bites.

“JJ The American Street Dog” 20% Goes to City Dogs & City Kitties Rescue!

Diane Rose-Solomon brings us a touching children’s book (ages 5 to 9), with colorful illustrations and a heartfelt message. This story teaches that adopting a rescue animal is a win-win. By buying this book, 20 percent of sales from each book will go to CDCK! Available in Amazon Kindle and hardcover edition.