City Dogs and City Kitties Volunteering Activities
Volunteering at City Dogs & City Kitties Rescue is rewarding!
Join the team!
As an almost completely volunteer-powered rescue, our volunteers are essential in saving the lives of cats and dogs.
Virtual Adoption Dog Event Assistant
Animal Transporter DC to Laurel, MD
Cat Foster Assistant
Foster (specify cats or dogs)
Case Manager
City Dogs & City Kitties Kids
Kids and pets go together, which is why we love when kids ask how they can help City Dogs & City Kitties Rescue!
Do you have a child who loves dogs and cats and wants to help CDCK?
While we are not a shelter and do not have any adoptable cats or dogs at our administrative office there are still creative ways for kids to get involved! Below are just a few ideas that you and your child can do together to help rescue dogs and cats.
- Host your own fundraiser! CDCK kid Ethan wanted to rescue dogs for his birthday, so he made t-shirts and raised over $15,000 for CDCK! Email if you’re interested.
- Host a bake sale at an adoption event with your parents! Visit the calendar to find out about what’s coming up. Contact (Please note: children under 16 cannot handle dogs at events.)
- Make a video for a dog or cat in need of adoption! See the video the Georgetown Day School students made for now-adopted Holly below. Contact for more information about helping out.
- Host a dog wash, car wash or bake sale!Email for more info.
- Write a blog post (about 250 words) about an adoptable dog or cat – or better yet, your very own foster dog or cat! – for us to post on our website! Contact:
- Teach your friends about Dog Safety! Watch the video below and learn more here.
- Teach kids appropriate ways to approach dogs to help prevent bites.
“JJ The American Street Dog” 20% Goes to City Dogs & City Kitties Rescue!
Diane Rose-Solomon brings us a touching children’s book (ages 5 to 9), with colorful illustrations and a heartfelt message. This story teaches that adopting a rescue animal is a win-win. By buying this book, 20 percent of sales from each book will go to CDCK! Available in Amazon Kindle and hardcover edition.