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CDR in the Capital Pride Parade

Capital Pride is Saturday, June 7!

Walk with CDR! Bring your foster or alum! Show your pride with a CDR t-shirt!

We need 15 volunteers for the parade on Saturday, June 7th from 3:45pm – 7:30pm. We need 5 dog handlers, 4 other marchers for signs/banners, 2 people to sell special pride T-Shirts and about 4 other for support crew. Please reply if you can help or send an email to ndryfuse@gmail.com.

If you would like to drop off or walk with your foster dog, email cdradoptionevents@gmail.com. Line up will be at 3:45 PM at 21st and P Street NW.

Want a CDR Pride T-Shirt? You can buy them this week for $25 at CDR Offices at 2121 Decatur Place, NW, Washington, DC from 4 – 8 PM, Tues-Friday this week. They were specially designed for CDR by branddave!

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