Fore: Golf Has Gone to the Dogs!

Let’s start by stating the obvious – our volunteers are pretty awesome.  Last year, Sarah and Josh adopted a City Dogs Rescue dog and named him Wrangler (fka Axel/Travis). Since then, they’ve done all sorts of things to help City Dogs Rescue, such as fostering dogs and processing adoption applications. Wrangler was even part of their wedding earlier this year (well, he kind of got cold feet, but he was there in a tux and was adorable). One of the coolest things they’ve done to date is that Josh raised a whole bunch of money for CDR this summer by playing golf. You see, Josh is a golf pro and for the past few years he’s done a fundraiser called PGA golf day where he gets to raise money for two charities (one of his choosing) and this year he decided to support CDR.  He played 100 holes of golf in one day on and raised money for each hole played.

Wrangler modeling his wedding duds

The money raised by Josh from this event has been a huge help to CDR. We are a volunteer-led organization and we rely on donations from our dedicated supporters to keep us going.  In addition to funds spent on our dogs for the usual things like spay/neuter, bloodwork, vaccines, and transport, we also provide some things you may not know about, like heartworm treatment and extensive training for some of our dogs with behavioral issues.  This all costs money and this fundraiser was such a huge help to us. To say thanks, we let Josh name one of our adorable adoptable dogs from Pickens, SC. He chose the name Ace for this cute guy, who has since been adopted.

Sarah and Josh with Ace on the day he arrived to meet his new family.

Josh and Sarah have outdone themselves again because they’ve agreed to foster some special needs dogs coming to DC. These two senior dogs were left without a home when their owner was killed in a car accident. One of the dogs is blind and needs a consistent foster home so he can get the hang of living indoors. Even though these two dogs are not bonded, Josh and Sarah have agreed to foster both of them so their lives are disrupted as little possible. 

Josh and Sarah really are aces in our book.

Buster is blind and needs a safe place to stay. His available for adoption.
Buddy is Buster’s buddy, but they are not bonded and can be adopted separately

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